When you have missing teeth, you can notice significant struggles when it comes to oral function, dental health, and the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, your dentist can help you replace lost teeth with custom dental prosthetics through a personalized approach to restorative dentistry.
Dentures refer to a type of dental prosthetic that can restore structure, aesthetics, and more in your smile. And the dentist can offer several options with this tooth replacement solution.
Your dentist will evaluate your unique needs and oral health goals to determine which dentures will suit your smile. In the meantime, you can check out three types of dentures your dentist may recommend in order to restore your smile after tooth loss.
Partial Dentures
Losing even a single tooth can severely disrupt your lifestyle. Your dentist can help you replace one or more missing teeth within an arch with partial dentures. This appliance will feature ceramic teeth attached to an acrylic base. You can receive as many prosthetic teeth as needed with this device.
The dentures will stay in place thanks to a combination of natural suction with the gums and a metal framework supported by remaining teeth within the mouth. This appliance can fill gaps in your smile so that you can smile with confidence in custom-made prosthetics. They will look natural in your mouth because dentists build them with the size, shape, and color of your teeth in mind.
Full Removable Dentures
Your dentist can replace an entire arch of missing teeth with full dentures. This removable appliance features a full set of prosthetic teeth attached to an acrylic base. Natural suction to the gum tissue can keep these dentures in place, but you can also ask your dentist about an adhesive paste that will improve their secure fit.
You should note that you will need to practice separate care for your dentures to ensure that they remain clean, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. This means brushing them carefully and soaking them when not in use.
With proper care, removable dentures, both partial and full, can last for about five years before requiring replacement. Removable dentures allow for a more affordable way to replace missing teeth than fixed options.
Implant-Secured Dentures
Your dentist can also give you fixed dentures that rely on dental implants. The implants feature surgically inserted anchors within the jaw that fuse with the jawbone as you heal. This establishes a strong foundation to support dental prosthetics.
You can receive all necessary anchors for your specific device within one procedure. It may take several months to complete the implant process. But in the end, the implant can remain in place for twenty years or longer.
Plus, you do not have to worry about the device slipping out of place thanks to the highly durable anchors keeping it in your mouth. Some people may want the flexibility of being able to take out dentures when not needed, so discuss your preferences with your dentist.
You can see more restorative benefits because implants replace teeth below the gumline, unlike removable dentures. This can preserve your jawbone health in the wake of tooth loss. Contact your dentist to learn which type of dentures will work for your dental needs.